The first episode of the new “Digital Crime” podcast revolves around the most well developed malware, or damaging software, that ever existed: Emotet. Since 2014 the “Emotet Gang” has made millions of dollars by hacking computers through Spam Mails, being the perfect example of how cybercrime gangs run their operations like professional businesses. Nobody knows who is behind those attacks – but Cyber Security experts are sure, that we haven’t seen the last of Emotet. In this episode Thomas Barabosch, Senior Cyber Security Analyst at Deutsche Telekom Security, and Alexander Schinner, IT Forensic and Senior Cyber Security Consultant at T-Systems, explain how Emotet works, what the goal behind the malware is and most important, how you can protect yourself against an attack.
You want to hear more? Check out the Telekom-Podcast-Page and get the full “podcast dosis”.
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Digital Crime Episode 1 | Emotet